Community Milestone & Events

Posted by admin September 24, 2022 in News

I would like to start this announcement by welcoming all the new members of the community and thanking @everyone that has stuck with us. We have not too long ago surpassed 10,000 members on our Discord server and are nearing 40,000 members on our forums. We always had high goals for the community but the support and growth we have had since the start has taken us all by shock. With that said I have some exciting changes coming to the community and some that are already in action. 2FastRacing is diving back into events such as a Nascar Series, Baja Series, Drag Series and Derby Series. We currently have 2 events open for registration which you can find in the discord server events or directly on our forums

-NOTE: Clicking "Interested" on a event in our Discord server does NOT register you in the event. You must register on our Forums.

We plan to have a event every weekend or every other weekend and all events are open for any serious competitor to register to. We are also revamping our website to better fit the way things are done today vs 2 years ago and to better welcome a new user and introduce who we are and what we do. So far it is coming along great and we look forward to showing it off! I look forward to seeing you on the race track and once again thank you for being a part of 2Fast Racing.

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