Sledders Race Timer | Create > Time > Improve

Release Sledders Race Timer | Create > Time > Improve 1.0.05

Complete and ready resource
This update brings changes for the newest Sledders updates and a slight improvement to the Readme file including more clear instructions on how to use the resource.
1. Configuration and Scene Management:
  • Checkpoint data is now loaded from a JSON file, allowing dynamic configuration based on the current scene.
  • The OnSceneWasLoaded method is updated to handle checkpoint loading and to check for the existence of the configuration directory and file.
2. GUI Update:
  • Implemented a new OnGUI method with updated styling for displaying the race time.
  • The GetRaceTime method is introduced to format the time display.
3. Checkpoint Initialization and Management:
  • InitializeCheckpoints now reads checkpoint data from a JSON file and creates checkpoints accordingly.
  • Added logic to handle invalid or missing checkpoint data.
  • Implemented ActivateCheckpoints method to control the visibility of checkpoints based on the debug mode.
4. Enhanced Checkpoint Visualization:
  • Checkpoints now include a cylinder extending upwards for better visibility.
  • Checkpoint materials are updated for compatibility with the Universal Render Pipeline (URP).
5. Debugging and Race Control:
  • Added debugMode flag for easier debugging and testing.
  • Introduced AddCheckpointAtCurrentPosition and SaveCheckpointsToJSON for dynamic checkpoint management.
  • Implemented LoadCheckpointsConfiguration to reload the checkpoint configuration during runtime.
  • Added keybinds (e.g., End and Insert keys) for race reset and adding checkpoints in debug mode.
6. Race Logic Improvements:
  • Updated logic for starting, restarting, and canceling the race.
  • Checkpoints now deactivate after being passed, and only the next checkpoint is activated.
7. Serializable Classes:
  • Introduced CheckpointLayout, SerializableVector3, and SerializableColor for JSON serialization.
8. Checkpoint Class Enhancements:
  • The Checkpoint class now includes properties for color and opacity, and a reference to its GameObject.

Short Description of Updates​

The updated script introduces significant enhancements to the race timer system, focusing on dynamic configuration, improved visualization, and ease of debugging. The key improvements include loading checkpoint data from JSON files for each scene, adding visual elements like cylinders for better checkpoint visibility, and implementing a more versatile GUI for time display. The script also introduces a debug mode for easier development and testing, including features to dynamically add and save checkpoints during runtime. Additionally, there are updates to the race logic for better control and user interaction, along with the introduction of new serializable classes for efficient data management.