Staff Positions! Community Fixes & Improvements.

Posted by admin September 24, 2022 in News

Logging in and registering on our Forums/Repository using your Discord account is finally back! This will allow you to register or connect your existing forum account to our Discord server for faster and easier login and to get notified in Discord when people reply to your threads, comment on your profile etc. Connect your account to your Discord here: The 2Fast staff team and I are always looking for ways to improve our community and make things fun and interactive for you. This includes things such as events, giveaways and even just interacting and playing games with you all. While trying to do all these tasks it has started to require an excessive amount of time out of my life and others to keep things going. This is why we are looking for members of the community that want to help us create a fun and safe environment in our Discord, Forums and our BeamMP Servers. We are seeking a member with exceptional LUA code development skills to work with us to create amazing things for the BeamMP platform. Said member would fill our Developer position and work as a freelancer for 2FastRacing paid per job upon job completion. We are also looking for staff members to fill some @Community Support @Moderator and @Track Official positions. Staff positions are not handed to anybody and require a professional attitude and good decision-making skills toward community members. We also have some set requirements as you can find below. For those who do not know, the @Track Official position attends most events not to participate and to help the operation of the event run smoothly and catch penalties on drivers etc. Staff Minimum Requirements

Minimum Age: 16
Language: English
Ability to speak in VC: yes

If you are interested in becoming a staff member please 🎫submit-a-ticket and state you would like to become staff for more information.

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