Free Look


New member
Nov 23, 2023
I think a freelook system for tobi eye tracker, or any of the ir led headtrackers like the ones used in flight sim/dcs would be sick. Its something I am going to look into. For dcs I made a wireless head tracker using an arduino uno and and MPU6050 accelerometer. It laid the boots to trackIR5 and its smaller than a pack of darts. Im new to this unity thing, Ive learned how to wrap and change the materials and am using blender to model some new shit but If anyone has any ideas how to create a free look system please hook it up. Im not half bad at python but ive spent all of maybe 5 hours into c#. I cant stand when the going gets steep and the stupid camera goes into half front flip oh no im lost mode and screws everything up.

And yea like buddy said sounds would be sick , word on the street is its pretty tough to do? More youtube in my future ffs.

With all these mods etc someone has gotta try to develop a blocker to keep things fair for the average joe who isnt modding the values. Should be simple enough to create some script to just read everyones values pre lobby handshake or something right?

I forsee an army of tools going mach 10 launching shit to the moon in every server...... But yea, Im motivated and a fairly quick learner if someone wants to lend some input into these things . Hate to ask,..... i sound like the discord kids "How do I get skins, how do you go faster, why is the snow so deep, My key didnt show up yet, AnwilDrew can you show me how to skin, i wanna be a skinner come on. please. I cant get all the sleds. turbooooo , im stuck, theres to many trees, this is dumb. FML"