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[NASCAR SERIES] 2FastRacing Race #7 2023 Season

[NASCAR SERIES] 2FastRacing Race #7 2023 Season

  • Tournament creator Storm
  • Creation date
  • Featured

[NASCAR] 2FastRacing Race #7



BEFORE YOU REGISTER Ensure your computer setup can handle racing with approximately 6 cars simultaneously. If not, kindly refrain from registering.

Event Date: September 9, 2023

Pre-Race Requirements:

  • All participants must join our event voice chat on Discord before the driver's meeting and race commencement.
  • If you're unable to attend after registering, please inform us immediately.


  • 06:00 PM EST: Event server is online. Racers may join at this time.
  • 06:45 PM EST: Drivers meeting. racers are expected to be in our Discord server by this time.
  • 06:55 PM EST: Staging for Heat 1 begins.
  • 07:00 PM EST: Race start for Heat 1.
  • 07:10 PM EST: Race end for Heat 1. Staging for Heat 2 begins.
  • 07:20 PM EST: Race start for Heat 2.
  • 07:30 PM EST: Race end for Heat 2. Staging for Heat 3 begins.
  • 07:40 PM EST: Race start for Heat 3.
  • 07:50 PM EST: Race end for Heat 3. Staging for Feature begins.
  • 08:00 PM EST: Race start for Feature.

EVENT LOCATION: Circuit Of The Americas​



Rules & Guidelines:​

  • Familiarize yourself with the tournament rules and vehicle classes. Access them in the "Rules" tab.
  • Note: Rules serve as a guideline and may be adjusted to ensure fair play.

Participation Details:​

  • Registration: Open to all. Ensure your commitment to participate. If plans change, notify us or an admin to free up your slot.
  • Joining Instructions: Registered racers will receive server connection details via a Direct Message on our forums. Keep this information confidential. Check your messages by clicking your name (top right) and selecting the mail icon.
  • Qualifying: There's no separate qualifying round. Racers are chosen randomly.
  • Race Format:
    The event day is divided into 4 races. These races consist of a Heat 1, Heat 2, Heat 3 and the Feature. Each race consists a maximum of 6 cars. In cases where there are not enough racers to fill all three heats, we may shorten the schedule by removing heat 3 or heat 3 and heat 2.
    After the completion of a heat race the top 2 drivers get a spot in the feature. If we removed a heat due to a low turnout then the top 3 drivers will get a spot in the feature making 6 total entries for the feature in any case.
    • Note: The schedule may change due to unforeseen circumstances.

Season & Standings:​

  • Rewards: Apart from trial events, racers can earn perks based on their standings. For instance, the 1st place winner of a single race gets a special role on our Discord. Winners get entry into Champions Race.
  • Season Rankings: Only counted during designated season events, identified by a race number tag. Trial or track day events aren't included. Check our forums for more details on season rankings.



Participants (16/64)

  • S
  • C
  • Derbysvt88
  • seymourbutts
  • scanard438
  • funnelpunnel
  • alex2000
  • GooseTaco
  • Biqjunior
  • Jigglyman12
  • KnightMoose
  • T
  • A
  • C
  • Z