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Toyota Starlet Drag Car 1981 | Revolution Racecraft Original

Toyota Starlet Drag Car 1981 | Revolution Racecraft Original 1.1.1

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This purpose built drag Toyota Starlet is a handful to drive with a true clutchless 5-Speed Manual transmission.

NOTE: The configs for this vehicle utilize RR Drag Wheel Tire Pack, if you do not have this mod installed, it'll spawn on steelies.



Known problems / Areas to be improved
  • Turbo kit lack of jbeam​
  • Overall minor jbeam stabilities​
  • Minor QOL tweaks such as glass breaking etc.

  • Wing+Various jbeam help @Fordster
  • Texture sourcing @2FastRacing
  • Rotary Special FX @AdamBlack + @Dee-Dop
  • Beta testing / Various helping hand @Dee-Dop
  • Custom Clutchless Manual transmission development @AdamBlack
  • Vehicle model D&O Racing Assetto Group.​
First release
Last update


5.00 star(s) 10 ratings

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  1. Rotary FIX for V0.34 Game Update

    Put the rotary engine back in service!
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Latest reviews

fave mod i have on BEAM!
I have a question, The drag tires wont load, Is their a reason?
you guys nailed it. I love this so much.
ist super cool and is fast
BYE FAR ONE OF THE BEST DRAG CARS. love the physics on the parachute pin tag and the backfire. super detailed keep more drag cars like this comin!!
This thing is such a blast to drive. High power and a short wheelbase can get out of control easily but that's what makes this thing so much fun. This pushes you to learn to tune and how to drive this beast!
If you watch videos of big tire starlets, they bounce the front wheels when they shift. This mod recreates that perfectly. Im happy to see it comes with the weld wheels and 2fast slicks instead of the grip-all. It also sounds incredible and realistic. My only main gripe with it, is that it has no transbrake. It can be done manually by holding down and up, but it isnt the most reliable method, and the boost slowly goes down. Although im sure it will be fixed in future. All in all, definitely one of my top 5 favorite mods at the moment, and will definitely put a smile on the face of rotary fans.
This is THE BEST MOD EVER! and you guys are the best mod creators and because you are so great i thought you could make a pulling tractor with big wheels and tires and much engine options and a modified body a pro stock body and a john deere body if that could be possible, and if yes how long will it be in the creating?
amazing car all it needs is more trans options and a 2step