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DeLorean DMC-12 1982 (of course it has Back To The Future parts)

DeLorean DMC-12 1982 (of course it has Back To The Future parts) 1.0.3

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Thank you @jojos38 for solving BTTF special FX and Jet Car functionality

We have no idea what Universal Pictures was thinking putting this underwhelming tin can in front of the cameras, but regardless it’s in BeamNG now.

Install the Flux Capacitor to this stainless contraption to fly into the nearest wall.
**the teleportation-enabled key is not available for public release at this time.

(Photo creds: Photographer/Videographer @Ripsaw460 )
btt glow.png

Features to this heap:
  • Best in class curb weight​
  • You can paint it because who doesn’t want a car with paint on it​
  • LSX swap should just be what you use all the time​
  • 88mph never felt so good​
  • While bug reports and feedback are ALWAYS appreciated on our work, it is not likely I will do a lot more with this vehicle.​

If you were considering reuploading this I would like to reassure you to do it, don’t even bother saying who made it

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  • Thank you to @AdamBlack for the LUA help with the Pratt & Whitney jet engine function, it would absolutely not be possible without your help​
  • Thank you to @Dee-Dop the mad scientist for your construction of a teleportation-capable flux capacitor**​
  • Thank you to dailerob for allowing me to use the J58 Pratt & Whitney jet engine​
  • Thank you me262 for the sourcing of sound sample applied to J58​
  • Thank you to the BeamNG team for supplying Jbeam assets for the project​
  • Thank you to Civetta for donating their production parts​

Jbeam: All of it is vanilla-modified in some way shape or form
Massive thank you to this remarkable resource called the Internet, because of you I was able to utilize the 3D meshes below
First release
Last update


4.29 star(s) 42 ratings

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Latest updates

  1. Game Version V0.28 Graphical Hotfix

    This hotfix is purely a graphical update addressing an issue with inverted normal maps upon game...
  2. Back To The Future Warp Speed Throttle Shut Off

    BTTF now requires throttle to be mashed above 88mph for the warp speed effects and boost to...
  3. BTTF Special FX, Jet Car functionality fixed (Works on keyboard as well now) - Thank you Jojos38!

    A bug with LUA-based functions not working for keyboard users has been solved, Thank you...

Latest reviews

I wish the doors could open
Drives well, looks good, and is a jet, but I don't see the blue 4/5
Pretty darn cool and fun! However, when I get to speeds around 200 the car flips into the air, the the blue smog does not appear even after enabling the controls, unlike it shows in the videos. Otherwise than few errors, pretty fun! I would give it a 3.5 if possible.
AMAZING Mod! My only gripe is the lifted version has no axle under it and will not drive for me. i have no idea whats happening... The other configs are really fun though! I just wish the lifted one worked. if not for that, id give 5* all day!
The thing is awesome. it deserves 5 stars.
It's wonderful! I made a reply before, but I realized that the "discrepancy" that I said it had isn't even your fault. this is the best BTTF delorean out there. the license plate was the only thing I'd change, (to be time-accurate) but im sure that ain't ez. so I did it for ya. https://www.mediafire.com/file/ko3vtm268d1ujbh/bttf_license.zip/file tell me if it stops workin
this is very epic
overall its a great tribute to the movies but i wish you could open the doors, i mean if you just to it on the BTTF delorean im fine with that
Good mod, needs work, i believe the j-beam needs work as the chassis and front subframe barely crumple inwards when it has a med-low speed crash, unlike the vanilla cars.
just wow.