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Drag Racing Wheel and Tire Pack - Revolution Racecraft

Drag Racing Wheel and Tire Pack - Revolution Racecraft 1.0.1

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Reviews 4.53 star(s) 40 reviews

It is absolutely amazing and my go to for about 2 years now. Just one major problem is on all independent suspension cars it sways horribly above 100mph to the point its not controllable. This really needs to get fixed and would vastly improve the uses already more than it does.
Outdated breaks vanilla textures
Really good mod, is it possible to add all tires (that fit) to the wheels, f. e. offroad tires like the one from nix/BDR/Blkfxx?
this is a good pack alot of customizatoin but for some reason the front wheels always are the same wheel design aspects as the real like i can only have the front wheels the same as the rear i cant have the front wheels silver and the rear wheels black or any other color.
i wanna know how to get the tires that are bigger than the 31 15w but other than that its amazing
add the rc comp fusions and retros
I accidentally deleted the mod and every time i redownload the updated version it downloads the 1.0.0 version not the1.0.1 version
The mod was one of my favorite mods but whenever a car goes over like 100-130 it starts to sway and slide all over the place
Can you please make some centreline convo pro wheels
The best wheel and tire package out there, but it does need an update. As others mentioned, the .032 update broke the mod.
it works but listen... **IT NEEDS FIXED,** new update broke the mod, so now all tires are invisible, PLEASE LOOK INTO THIS!!!!!!!
Use these on pretty much all my cars and some 33 10.5w tires would be cool
i dont know if it works for 1.30 and if is suppost to please help me
i love the mod very much but everytime i wanna use it the tires and wheel are invisible and dont show up do you know what the problem is
I love the mod the only issue is that it seems like certain cars don't work well with it. around 130 some cars get really unstable and go back and forth. some cars go straight as an arrow.
Excellent mod but i WANT the black car's config
Great wheel pack with amazing combos for people who cant find it its at the very top select and then every little + on the left brings down every configuration
(Radius , with , brand , tire , ect.)

If you have an issue with the wheels falling off as soon as you spawn i solved it by increasing the offset in tuning (add offset to the ones falling off front/rear)
No change to the mod with the new update, the problem is still there
Great mod but I think the old file is still linked. All the files are dated October of 2022 and This post states it was just updated.
can add d5 front